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Study visit to Norway

By 7th January 2025 January 27th, 2025 No Comments

From September 3 to 5, 2024, the TransH2 project partners participated in a study visit to Norway, organized by Maritime Technology Cluster FVG – mareFVG to learn more about hydrogen-related research and technologies in maritime transport.

The delegation visited Bergen and Stavanger learning about the latest advances in hydrogen applications for shipping. The TransH2 project team was presented with the ambitious plan of the port of Bergen to become fossil-free by 2030 – earlier than the Paris Agreement targets – thanks to the complete electrification of the coast and the promotion of a subsidy system for less polluting vessels. Furthermore, the efforts of the Vestland county in the energy transition of maritime public transport were presented, as well as their feasibility studies and cost-benefit analyses, which allowed them to find the perfect balance between the necessary costs for conversion and the long-term benefits of electrification, optimization of energy carriers, fleet, and routes to reduce emissions.

The interest in research and opportunities for cooperation between Norwegian and European companies is encouraged by Innovation Norway, a development finance institution that is eager and ready to promote international partnerships. In addition, the project team visited the research institute Norce, which is currently engaged in the joint venture HyValue, a research team for the entire hydrogen value chain: production, distribution, use, safety, and legislation, which has numerous links with the local initiative NAHV – North Adriatic Hydrogen Valley . A visit to their pressurization laboratories, essential for hydrogen storage, and microbiological laboratories showed how extensive the areas involved in hydrogen research are.

Finally, the delegation visited the ferry MF Hydra, the world’s first to use hydrogen as an energy source for passenger transport, making it revolutionary and innovative in the sector as it has reduced its carbon emissions by more than 95%. The vessel, owned by Norled AS, one of Norway’s largest shipping companies, can accommodate up to 300 passengers and 80 vehicles, and sails at a cruising speed of 10 knots, performing up to 42 routes per day and connecting three villages in the Stavanger suburb.

The visit to institutions and authorities in Bergen and Stavanger enriched the partnership and offered numerous examples of good practice that will certainly be useful in the next phases of the TransH2 project implementation.

The project started on February 1, 2024 and will last for 30 months, until July 31, 2026. The total budget amounts to EUR 2.357.035,00. The EU co-financing rate is 80%. The project is co-financed by ERDF funds in the amount of 1.885.628,00 EUR. The share of funds for Urbanex activities in the project amounts to EUR 341.550,00.

Please find more information about TransH2 Project at TransH2 offical web address.


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